#!/bin/sh # This do script creates an indirect root to an input flake exec >&2 redo-ifchange ../flake.nix ../flake.lock || true resolve_flake() { STORE_PATH=$(nix flake info --json --inputs-from .. "$2" | jq -r .path) # Do this after 'info' to avoid unnecessary network activity. nix flake # archive may try to download a flake although the store path is available. if [ ! -d "$STORE_PATH" ]; then nix flake archive --inputs-from .. "$2" fi } case $2 in # Resolves cleanup targets by their softlinks clean) redo-always || true find . -type l -print -exec realpath -P --relative-base="$PWD" {} \+ | while read p; do if [ "$p" = "${p#/}" ]; then rm -rf -- "$p" fi done ;; *.rw) resolve_flake "$@" rm -rf -- ".$2" cp --reflink=auto -r --no-preserve=mode "$STORE_PATH" ".$2" ln -sf ".$2" "$3" ;; *) resolve_flake "$@" nix-store -r "$STORE_PATH" --indirect --add-root "$2" [ "$2" = "$3" ] || mv "$2" "$3" ;; esac