{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) any concatStrings concatStringsSep getAttrFromPath getBin id literalExample mapAttrs' mapAttrsToList mkRemovedOptionModule mkDefault mkEnableOption mkIf mkOption nameValuePair optional optionalString singleton types; inherit (builtins) attrNames; in { ###### interface disabledModules = [ "services/networking/tinydns.nix" ]; options = { services.tinydns = mkOption { description = "An attribute set of tinydns service configurations. Each Attribute must name the IP address this server will listen on."; example = literalExample '' services.tinydns = { "" = { enable = true; data = "=host.on.network.a:"; }; "" = { enable = true; data = "=host.on.network.b:"; }; } ''; default = {}; type = with types; attrsOf (submodule ( { config, name, ... }: { options = { enable = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = '' Whether to run the tinydns DNS server on the IP address given as the submodule's name. To answer queries larger than 512 bytes, make sure to also enable listenTCP. ''; }; data = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.lines; description = '' DNS records, one per line, in the format described in tinydns-data8. Many advanced records need special encoding when appearing inside this file. Use the functions from lib.tinydns to generate various kinds of records. All record-building functions accept a variable amount of arguments with unspecified arguments filled up with the empty string. See also the example below. The following record-building functions are implemented in lib.tinydns: Flag has one mandatory argument; a DNS record in the format described in tinydns-data8; adds up to three additional flags to the DNS record, TTL, timestamp from which this record becomes valid and the location it is valid in. All other record-building functions also respect these flags as their last three arguments in addition to the arguments that are relevant for their particular type. TTL must be an integer. If timestamp is given as an integer, it is taken as a UNIX timestamp, otherwise it must be a string and is taken to be a hex-encoded TAI64 timestamp. Location must be a string. AFSDB has two mandatory arguments; the requested AFS cell and the database server. SRV has five mandatory arguments; the requested service, a priority (int), a weight (int), a port (int), and a target. TXT has two mandatory arguments; the requested service and a data field in the format that the service requires. URI has four mandatory arguments; the requested service, a priority (int), a weight (int), and a target. ''; example = literalExample '' %ex %in:10.0.0 .example.com: =server.example.com: =server.example.com: +future.example.com: ''${TXT [ "_kerberos.example.com" "EXAMPLE.COM" 360 ]} ''${SRV [ "_kerberos._udp.example.com" 10 100 88 "current.example.com." ]} ''${URIs [ [ "_kerberos.EXAMPLE.COM" 10 1 "krb5srv:m:udp:current.example.com" "" 1542812577 ] [ "_kerberos.EXAMPLE.COM" 10 1 "krb5srv:m:udp:future.example.com" "" "410000005c6bd4d3" ] ]} ''; }; listenTCP = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Also answer queries via TCP. You need this to answer queries whose responses are larger than 512 bytes and for zone transfers via AXFR (not supported, use secondaries instead). ''; }; rootPath = mkOption { internal = true; type = types.str; default = "/run/tinydns-${name}"; description = '' Set this to an on-disk location to permanently store the DNS record database. ''; }; secondaries = mkOption { type = with types; attrsOf (submodule ( { config, name, ... }: { options = { uri = mkOption { type = types.str; example = "tinydns@secondary.example.com"; description = '' SSH connection uri to the secondary server. On zone updates the new set of DNS records is transferred to this secondary server via SSH. Make sure to add the secondary's SSH host key to programs.ssh.knownHosts! ''; }; sshKey = mkOption { type = types.str; example = "/some/secure/location"; description = '' File location of the private SSH key to authenticate zone updates to the secondary server. ''; }; }; config = {}; })); default = {}; description = '' Set of secondary DNS servers. Updates to this server's DNS records are sent to secondaries via SSH. ''; }; secondary.enable = mkEnableOption "Configure this tinydns instance as a secondary server receiving its data via SSH."; secondary.sshKey = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "SSH key to authenticate zone transfers to the secondary DNS server."; default = ""; }; }; })); }; }; ###### implementation config = mkIf (any id (mapAttrsToList (_: v: v.enable) config.services.tinydns)) { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.djbdns ]; # Restrict to a single session at a time services.openssh.extraConfig = '' Match User tinydns MaxSessions=1 Match All ''; ids.uids.tinydns = 999; ids.gids.tinydns = 999; users.users.tinydns = { isSystemUser = true; uid = config.ids.uids.tinydns; group = "tinydns"; shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = mapAttrsToList (name: cfg: let # Expects tinydns data on standard input tinydnsReceive = pkgs.writeScript "tinydns-receive" '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} -e cd ${cfg.rootPath} ( flock -n 5 || exit 1 mv data data.backup cat >data if ${getBin pkgs.djbdns}/bin/tinydns-data ; then rm data.backup else mv data.backup data fi # Do not allow zone transfers to run more often than once per second due to # minimum DNS record time resolution. sleep 1 ) 5>data-lock ''; in optionalString (cfg.secondary.sshKey != "") '' restrict,command="${tinydnsReceive}" ${cfg.secondary.sshKey} '') config.services.tinydns; }; users.groups.tinydns = { gid = config.ids.gids.tinydns; }; systemd.services = (mapAttrs' (ip: cfg: nameValuePair "tinydns-${ip}" { enable = cfg.enable; description = "djbdns tinydns server"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network-online.target" ]; requires = [ "network-online.target" ]; environment = { IP = ip; ROOT = cfg.rootPath; UID = "${toString config.users.users.tinydns.uid}"; GID = "${toString config.users.groups.tinydns.gid}"; AXFR_JOBS = "2"; # Number of concurrent zone transfers to secondary servers. }; path = with pkgs; [ coreutils djbdns ]; serviceConfig = { # Drops privileges and chroots to ROOT by itself ExecStart = "${getBin pkgs.djbdns}/bin/tinydns"; LimitDATA = mkDefault "40000000"; RestartSec = 1; Restart = "always"; }; preStart = '' rm -rf $ROOT mkdir -m750 -p $ROOT chown ''${UID}:''${GID} $ROOT cd $ROOT ${if cfg.secondary.enable then "touch data" else "ln -sf ${pkgs.writeText "tinydns-data" cfg.data} data"} tinydns-data ''; reload = let tinydnsSend = pkgs.writeText "tinydns-send.mk" (concatStrings ( (singleton '' all: ${concatStringsSep " " (attrNames cfg.secondaries)} '') ++ (mapAttrsToList (k: v: '' .PHONY: ${k} ${k}:: -${getBin pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -a -x -S none -T -i ${v.sshKey} ${v.uri} <${cfg.rootPath}/data '') cfg.secondaries))); in '' cd $ROOT ${optionalString (!cfg.secondary.enable) "ln -sf ${pkgs.writeText "tinydns-data" cfg.data} data"} tinydns-data ${optionalString (cfg.secondaries != {}) "${getBin pkgs.gnumake}/bin/make -j$AXFR_JOBS -f ${tinydnsSend}"} ''; reloadIfChanged = true; }) config.services.tinydns) // (mapAttrs' (ip: cfg: nameValuePair "axfrdns-${ip}" { enable = cfg.enable; description = "axfrdns tcp dns server"; after = [ "tinydns-${ip}.service" ]; requires = [ "tinydns-${ip}.service" ]; environment = { IP = ip; ROOT = cfg.rootPath; AXFR = ""; # Do not allow any zone transfers! UID = "${toString config.users.users.tinydns.uid}"; GID = "${toString config.users.groups.tinydns.gid}"; }; serviceConfig = { StandardInput = "socket"; StandardError = "journal"; ExecStart = "${getBin pkgs.djbdns}/bin/axfrdns"; LimitDATA = mkDefault "15000000"; }; }) config.services.tinydns); systemd.sockets = mapAttrs' (ip: cfg: nameValuePair "axfrdns-${ip}" { enable = cfg.enable; wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ]; description = "axfrdns socket"; listenStreams = [ "${ip}:53" ]; socketConfig.Accept = true; }) config.services.tinydns; }; }