{ stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub , jansson , libconfig , libnice , openssl , srtp , usrsctp , libmicrohttpd , libwebsockets , gnumake #, cmake , rabbitmq-c #, paho-mqtt-c , nanomsg , curl , sofia_sip , libopus , libogg , lua , glib , zlib , pkgconfig , gengetopt , autoconf , automake , libtool , libuv }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "janus-gateway"; version = "0.11.3"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "meetecho"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-/x0oo29zsnmyKw3QGXbnhMmgQJ9AefQ5cUTwY/5typY="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ jansson libconfig libnice openssl srtp usrsctp libmicrohttpd libwebsockets gnumake #cmake rabbitmq-c #paho-mqtt-c nanomsg curl sofia_sip libopus libogg lua glib zlib pkgconfig gengetopt libuv autoconf automake libtool ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; preConfigure = "./autogen.sh"; meta = with lib; { description = "Janus WebRTC server"; homepage = src.meta.homepage; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ aw ]; }; }