! Copyright (C) 2020 Bubbler. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences strings ; IN: rosalind.long HELP: find-most-overlapping-pair { $values { "strs" sequence } { "strs'" sequence } } { $description "Given a set of strings, greedily select two strings that form the most overlap, and return a 3-item sequence containing the two strings and their join." } ; HELP: long { $values { "strs" sequence } { "str" string } } { $description "Solves the problem LONG on Rosalind: given a collection of DNA segments and the information that gluing together pairs of reads that overlap by more than half their length gives a unique string, find the unique string." } ; HELP: long-main { $description "Solves the problem LONG on Rosalind, using a real dataset." } ; HELP: overlap { $values { "str1" string } { "str2" string } { "str" string } } { $description "Overlaps two strings to form the shortest superstring, which contains str1 as its head and str2 as its tail." } ; ARTICLE: "rosalind.long" "rosalind.long" { $vocab-link "rosalind.long" } ; ABOUT: "rosalind.long"