Add nixredo-whichdo; Put do file discovery into nix

This commit is contained in:
Michael Raitza 2021-02-16 20:32:15 +01:00
parent fc8781a2e0
commit dd8952be85
5 changed files with 110 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -1,32 +1,42 @@
buildArgs@{ lib ? import ./lib.nix {}, nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>, pkgs ? import nixpkgs {} }:
inherit (lib) searchPath whichdo d1 d2;
myself = { nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>, pkgs ? import nixpkgs {}, rargs, cwd }:
resolve = path: let
builder = (whichdo path);
in if builder == "" then throw "No rule to build ${path}"
else runBuilder (d1 path builder) (d2 path builder) builder;
runBuilder = d1: d2: builder:
with pkgs.lib;
with builtins;
resolveLocal = arg: let
fullPath = cwd + "/" + arg + ".nix";
recurse = myself { rargs = [ (toString arg) (toString arg) ]; inherit cwd; };
in recurse fullPath;
funcPkgs = { __functor = self: arg: resolveLocal arg; } // pkgs;
# Funktionalise pkgs; our main entry point to resolve default*nix build scripts.
funcPkgs = { __functor = self: arg: resolve arg; } // pkgs;
_builder = if (tryEval (import builder)).success
then import builder
else ''
${builder} $1 $2 $out >$out
_builder = if (tryEval (let
# Needs to be done as nix chokes on empty files rn.
content = readFile builder;
in assert content != "" && (! (hasPrefix "#!" content)); import builder)).success
then import builder
else ''
${/. + builder} $d1 $d2 $out >$out
__builder = if isFunction _builder then _builder funcPkgs
else _builder;
args = { stdenv = pkgs.stdenvNoCC; } // (if isString __builder
then { builder = __builder; }
else __builder);
in (args.deriver or args.stdenv.mkDerivation) ({
name = pkgs.lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName (builtins.elemAt rargs 0);
buildCommand = args.builder;
passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
allowSubstitutes = false;
} // (removeAttrs args [ "builder" "system" "deriver" "stdenv" ])); # myself
in myself builderArgs
then { builder = __builder; }
else __builder);
drv = (args.deriver or args.stdenv.mkDerivation) ({
name = pkgs.lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName d1;
buildCommand = args.builder;
passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
allowSubstitutes = false;
inherit d1 d2;
} // (removeAttrs args [ "builder" "system" "deriver" "stdenv" ]));
in drv; # myself
in resolve

View file

@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
phases = [ "installPhase" "fixupPhase" ];
jq = "${jq}/bin/jq";
buildernix = ./builder.nix;
libnix = ./lib.nix;
files = [ ./nixredo ./nixredo-deps ./nixredo-whichdo ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
for f in ${./nixredo} ${./nixredo-deps}; do
for f in $files; do
cp $f $_f
substituteAllInPlace $_f

lib.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
{ lib ? import <nixpkgs/lib> }:
inherit (builtins) length genList pathExists;
inherit (lib) take splitString concatStringsSep last foldl foldr head
tail singleton removePrefix hasSuffix removeSuffix flatten crossLists reverseList;
butlast = list: take (length list - 1) list;
dirname = path: let _p = (butlast (splitString "/" path)); in if _p != [] then concatStringsSep "/" _p else "./";
basename = path: (last (splitString "/" path));
doFileSuffix = "do";
genPatterns = path: let
fn = basename path;
in (map (x: "default." + x)
(foldr (a: b: let x = (head b); in [ (a + "." + x) ] ++ b)
[ doFileSuffix ]
(tail (splitString "." fn))));
searchPath = path:
pathlist = (splitString "/" path);
pat = (last pathlist);
doFile = path + "." + doFileSuffix;
patlist = genPatterns pat;
foldedpaths = foldr (a: b:
h = if length b == 0 then "" else head b;
in [ (h + a + "/") ] ++ b) [] (tail (reverseList pathlist));
pths = crossLists (p: pat: p + pat) [ foldedpaths patlist ];
in [ doFile ] ++ pths;
cwd = "/home/spacefrogg/tmp";
path = cwd + "/foo/bar/baz.def.c";
whichdo = path: let
pathlist = searchPath path;
in foldl (res: p: if res == "" then if pathExists p then p else res else res) "" pathlist;
d1 = path: pat: let
dir = (dirname pat) + "/";
in removePrefix dir path;
d2 = path: pat: let
dir = (dirname pat) + "/";
_path = removePrefix dir path;
_pat = removeSuffix ".${doFileSuffix}" (removePrefix "${dir}default" pat);
_out = removeSuffix _pat _path;
in if _out == "" then _path else _out;
self = {
inherit dirname basename searchPath cwd path doFileSuffix whichdo d1 d2;
in self

View file

@ -2,25 +2,18 @@
exec >&2
[ "${NIXREDO_ROOT-x}" != x ] || { printf "Set NIXREDO_ROOT. Set empty to use global nix store\n"; exit 127; }
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then set -- all; fi
if [ -e "$1.nix" ]; then
set -e
set -- "$1" "$1" "$1.redo.tmp"
f=$(realpath "$1.nix")
out=$(nix -vL --show-trace build ${NIXREDO_ROOT:+--store "$NIXREDO_ROOT"} \
--option auto-optimise-store true --option substituters daemon \
--impure --json --no-link \
--expr "import @buildernix@ { cwd = \"$PWD/\"; rargs = [ \"$1\" \"$1\" ];} \"$f\"" |
@jq@ -r '.[0].outputs.out')
[ -n "$out" ] || exit 127
rm -rf "$3"
ln -s "${NIXREDO_ROOT+$NIXREDO_ROOT}$out" "$3"
# ln "${NIXREDO_ROOT+$NIXREDO_ROOT/}$out" "$3"
# chmod +w "$3"
# touch "$3"
mv "$3" "$1"
elif [ -e "$1" ]; then
printf "Error: No rule to build %s\n" "$1"
exit 127
set -e
set -- "$1" "$1" "$1.redo.tmp"
f=$(realpath -s "$1")
out=$(nix -vL --show-trace build ${NIXREDO_ROOT:+--store "$NIXREDO_ROOT"} \
--option auto-optimise-store true --option substituters daemon \
--impure --json --no-link \
--expr " import @buildernix@ { lib = import @libnix@ {}; } \"$f\"" |
@jq@ -r '.[0].outputs.out')
[ -n "$out" ] || exit 127
rm -rf "$3"
ln -s "${NIXREDO_ROOT+$NIXREDO_ROOT}$out" "$3"
# ln "${NIXREDO_ROOT+$NIXREDO_ROOT/}$out" "$3"
# chmod +w "$3"
# touch "$3"
mv "$3" "$1"

nixredo-whichdo Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
f=$(realpath -s "$1")
nix eval --impure --expr "with import @libnix@ {}; /. + (whichdo \"$f\")"