153 lines
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153 lines
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{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
lib = pkgs.lib;
inherit (builtins) baseNameOf dirOf length genList pathExists isString match
replaceStrings readDir;
inherit (lib) take splitString last foldl foldr head tail removePrefix
hasSuffix removeSuffix flatten crossLists reverseList all any unique hasPrefix
inherit (pkgs) runCommand symlinkJoin;
butlast = list: take (length list - 1) list;
doFileSuffix = "do";
genPatterns = path: let
fn = baseNameOf path;
in (map (x: "default." + x)
(foldr (a: b: let x = (head b); in [ (a + "." + x) ] ++ b)
[ doFileSuffix ]
(tail (splitString "." fn))));
genPathlist = path: let
pathlist = (splitString "/" path);
foldedpaths = foldr (a: b:
h = if length b == 0 then "" else head b;
in [ (h + a + "/") ] ++ b) [] (tail (reverseList pathlist));
in foldedpaths;
searchPath = path:
pathlist = (splitString "/" path);
pat = (last pathlist);
doFile = path + "." + doFileSuffix;
patlist = genPatterns pat;
foldedpaths = genPathlist path;
pths = crossLists (p: pat: p + pat) [ foldedpaths patlist ];
in [ doFile ] ++ pths;
whichdo = path: let
pathlist = searchPath path;
in foldl (res: p: if res == "" then if pathExists p then p else res else res) "" pathlist;
# Redo's $1, the full name of the target
d1 = path: pat: let
dir = (dirOf pat) + "/";
in removePrefix dir path;
# Redo's $2, the full name of the target or the name stripped by a suffix for
# a default.* target.
d2 = path: pat: let
dir = (dirOf pat) + "/";
_path = removePrefix dir path;
_pat = removeSuffix ".${doFileSuffix}" (removePrefix "${dir}default" pat);
_out = removeSuffix _pat _path;
in if _out == "" then _path else _out;
# The varargs capture combinator used by getSrc.
# Fuctions calling this are expected to supply a function treating one
# argument to the final function and a second function that operates on the
# whole list of arguments. Call the final function with literal null to
# trigger evaluation.
captureFunc = argFun: f: {
args = [];
__functor = self: a: let
_a = argFun a;
in if a == null
then f self.args
else self // { args = self.args ++ [ _a ]; };
__toString = self: f self.args;
# Resolve a src given as string relative to cwd and root.
resolveSrc = root: rcwd: a: let
sanitize = s: let _s = replaceStrings [ "/./" ] ["/"] s; in if s != _s then sanitize _s else s;
_a = toString (/. + (root + "/" + rcwd + "/" + (sanitize a)));
if isString a then _a else toString a;
# Add all preceding paths to a src down to the root. Otherwise
# builtins.filterSource will reject it.
augmentedSrcs = root: srcs: let
aug = map (s: (map (p: root + (removeSuffix "/" p)) (genPathlist (removePrefix root s)))) srcs;
in unique (flatten aug);
# The source tree resolver combinator.
# Takes the source root and cwd of the current builder and a list of paths
# that shall always be rejected.
# Also takes a resolver to derive unknown paths and a function to which the
# resulting set is applied to.
# Returns a filter that accepts zero to n paths relative to cwd. Captures the
# whole source tree when called with zero arguments.
getSrc = root: rcwd: rejected: resolver: outFunc:
captureFunc (resolveSrc root rcwd) (srcs: let
rejector = path: (all (x: path != x) rejected);
# Filter non-existant sources and build them with resolver.
# Recreate the source directory structure.
nonExistantSrcs = builtins.filter (x: let
isLink = x: let
base = baseNameOf x;
parent = dirOf x;
type = (readDir parent).${base} or null;
in (type == "symlink");
in !pathExists x || isLink x) srcs;
builtSrcs = map (s: let
relPath = removePrefix (root + "/") s;
filePath = resolver s;
in runCommand relPath { preferLocalBuild = true; allowSubstitutes = false; } ''
mkdir -p "$out/${dirOf relPath}"
ln -s "${filePath}" "$out/${relPath}"
'') nonExistantSrcs;
# If a src in srcs is a prefix to a that (it must be a dir, then, or the
# file itself), allow all sub-paths.
srcFilter = path:
if srcs == []
then true
else (any (x: (hasPrefix x path)) (builtins.filter pathExists srcs));
# Allow all directories lying on the way to specified srcs.
_srcs = (augmentedSrcs root srcs);
srcDirFilter = path: if srcs == []
then true # No explicit srcs means: Take the whole source tree!
else (any (x: path == x) (_srcs));
# Filter the sources by our defined criteria and create a source tree
# derivation.
filter = (path: type:
(baseNameOf path != ".git") &&
(baseNameOf path != ".envrc") &&
(rejector path) &&
((srcFilter path) ||
(srcDirFilter path)));
filteredSrcs = cleanSourceWith { inherit filter; src = root; };
# Merge the filtered sources and the newly built dependencies.
mergedSrcs = symlinkJoin { name = "srcs"; paths = [ filteredSrcs ] ++ builtSrcs; };
in outFunc mergedSrcs);
self = {
inherit doFileSuffix whichdo d1 d2 getSrc;
# For testing. To be removed.
inherit searchPath augmentedSrcs genPathlist captureFunc;
in self