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{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
lib = pkgs.lib;
inherit (builtins) baseNameOf dirOf length genList pathExists isString match
inherit (lib) take splitString last foldl foldr head tail removePrefix
hasSuffix removeSuffix flatten crossLists reverseList all any unique hasPrefix
inherit (pkgs) runCommand symlinkJoin;
butlast = list: take (length list - 1) list;
doFileSuffix = "do";
genPatterns = path: let
fn = baseNameOf path;
in (map (x: "default." + x)
(foldr (a: b: let x = (head b); in [ (a + "." + x) ] ++ b)
[ doFileSuffix ]
(tail (splitString "." fn))));
genPathlist = path: let
pathlist = (splitString "/" path);
foldedpaths = foldr (a: b:
h = if length b == 0 then "" else head b;
in [ (h + a + "/") ] ++ b) [] (tail (reverseList pathlist));
in foldedpaths;
searchPath = path:
pathlist = (splitString "/" path);
pat = (last pathlist);
doFile = path + "." + doFileSuffix;
patlist = genPatterns pat;
foldedpaths = genPathlist path;
pths = crossLists (p: pat: p + pat) [ foldedpaths patlist ];
in [ doFile ] ++ pths;
whichdo = path: let
pathlist = searchPath path;
in foldl (res: p: if res == "" then if pathExists p then p else res else res) "" pathlist;
# Redo's $1, the full name of the target
d1 = path: pat: let
dir = (dirOf pat) + "/";
in removePrefix dir path;
# Redo's $2, the full name of the target or the name stripped by a suffix for
# a default.* target.
d2 = path: pat: let
dir = (dirOf pat) + "/";
_path = removePrefix dir path;
_pat = removeSuffix ".${doFileSuffix}" (removePrefix "${dir}default" pat);
_out = removeSuffix _pat _path;
in if _out == "" then _path else _out;
# The varargs capture combinator used by getSrc.
# Fuctions calling this are expected to supply a function treating one
# argument to the final function and a second function that operates on the
# whole list of arguments. Call the final function with literal null to
# trigger evaluation.
captureFunc = argFun: f: {
args = [];
__functor = self: a: let
_a = argFun a;
in if a == null
then f self.args
else self // { args = self.args ++ [ _a ]; };
__toString = self: f self.args;
# Resolve a src given as string relative to cwd and root.
resolveSrc = root: rcwd: a: let
sanitize = s: let _s = replaceStrings [ "/./" ] ["/"] s; in if s != _s then sanitize _s else s;
_a = toString (/. + (root + "/" + rcwd + "/" + (sanitize a)));
if isString a then _a else toString a;
# Add all preceding paths to a src down to the root. Otherwise
# builtins.filterSource will reject it.
augmentedSrcs = root: srcs: let
aug = map (s: (map (p: root + (removeSuffix "/" p)) (genPathlist (removePrefix root s)))) srcs;
in unique (flatten aug);
# The source tree resolver combinator.
# Takes the source root and cwd of the current builder and a list of paths
# that shall always be rejected.
# Also takes a resolver to derive unknown paths and a function to which the
# resulting set is applied to.
# Returns a filter that accepts zero to n paths relative to cwd. Captures the
# whole source tree when called with zero arguments.
getSrc = root: rcwd: rejected: resolver: outFunc:
captureFunc (resolveSrc root rcwd) (srcs: let
rejector = path: (all (x: path != x) rejected);
# Filter non-existant sources and build them with resolver.
# Recreate the source directory structure.
nonExistantSrcs = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.pathExists x) srcs;
builtSrcs = map (s: let
relPath = removePrefix (root + "/") s;
filePath = resolver s;
in runCommand relPath { preferLocalBuild = true; allowSubstitutes = false; } ''
mkdir -p "$out/${dirOf relPath}"
ln -s "${filePath}" "$out/${relPath}"
'') nonExistantSrcs;
# If a src in srcs is a prefix to a that (it must be a dir, then, or the
# file itself), allow all sub-paths.
srcFilter = path:
if srcs == []
then true
else (any (x: (hasPrefix x path)) srcs);
# Allow all directories lying on the way to specified srcs.
_srcs = (augmentedSrcs root srcs);
srcDirFilter = path: if srcs == []
then true # No explicit srcs means: Take the whole source tree!
else (any (x: path == x) (_srcs));
# Filter the sources by our defined criteria and create a source tree
# derivation.
filter = (path: type:
(baseNameOf path != ".git") &&
(baseNameOf path != ".envrc") &&
(rejector path) &&
((srcFilter path) ||
(srcDirFilter path)));
filteredSrcs = cleanSourceWith { inherit filter; src = root; };
# Merge the filtered sources and the newly built dependencies.
mergedSrcs = symlinkJoin { name = "srcs"; paths = [ filteredSrcs ] ++ builtSrcs; };
in outFunc mergedSrcs);
self = {
inherit doFileSuffix whichdo d1 d2 getSrc;
# For testing. To be removed.
inherit searchPath augmentedSrcs genPathlist captureFunc;
in self