Add prism model checker

This commit is contained in:
Michael Raitza 2020-12-07 23:10:02 +01:00
parent d579a46c16
commit 2d3bfa5832
3 changed files with 182 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ let
vividSky = callPackage ./x-plane/vivid-sky.nix {};
pdfchain = callPackage ./pdfchain { };
prism = callPackage ./prism.nix {};
lp_solve_java = callPackage ./lp_solve_java.nix {};
# z3 = callPackage ./z3 { };
# stormChecker = callPackage ./storm-checker { ltoSupport = false; tbbSupport = false; mathsatSupport = false; z3Support = false; };
# carl = callPackage ./carl { };

lp_solve_java.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, jdk, lp_solve, unzip }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "lp_solve_java-${version}";
version = "";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/project/lpsolve/lpsolve/${version}/lp_solve_${version}";
sha256 = "1jfnl849i8fbfv3pmqspp6x1piq8ssyfgrg4bldzb564w0hwsk8a";
buildInputs = [ jdk lp_solve unzip ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lp_solve ];
phases = [ "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" "installPhase" ];
fname = "lpsolve55j";
buildPhase = ''
$CXX -fpic -DPIC -I ${jdk}/include -I ${jdk}/include/linux -I ${lp_solve}/include -I ./src/c -c \
src/c/lpsolve5j.cpp -o $fname.o
$CXX -shared -Wl,-soname,lib$ -o lib$ $fname.o -L ${lp_solve}/lib -lc -llpsolve55
(cd ./src/java
javac lpsolve/*.java #*/
jar -cf ../../$fname.jar lpsolve/*.class #*/
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
cp lib$ $fname.jar $out/lib
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Java bindings for the Mixed Integer Linear Programming solver lp_solve";
homepage = lp_solve.meta.homepage;
license = lp_solve.meta.license;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ spacefrogg ];
platforms = platforms.unix;

prism.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub, jdk, lp_solve, lp_solve_java, makeWrapper
#, ltl2dstar, ltl2ba
, makeDesktopItem, python27 }:
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "prismmodelchecker";
repo = "prism";
rev = "c2f637e177853b38fb8d9530e801e56d620e4466";
sha256 = "13xra91y542w808363wnqk9l7psnasy8c0sbkgmvxa6813i1i2i0";
version = "4.4-git";
cuddPrism = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "cudd-prism-${version}";
inherit version src;
buildInputs = [ jdk ];
configurePhase = "true";
buildPhase = ''
cd ./cudd
make clean JAVA_DIR="${jdk}"
cd ./prism
# will become cuddpackage
make cuddpackageforce JAVA_DIR="${jdk}"
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/{lib,include}
cd ./cudd
for dir in cudd dddmp epd mtr st util; do
cp ./$dir/lib$dir.a $out/lib
cp ./$dir/$dir.h $out/include
cp ./cudd/cuddInt.h $out/include
meta.description = "Build of a Prism-adapted version of the CUDD library";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "prism";
inherit version src;
buildInputs = [ jdk lp_solve_java cuddPrism lp_solve makeWrapper python27 ];
patchPhase = ''
(cd ./prism
substituteInPlace ./Makefile \
--replace "CFLAGS=\"\$(CFLAGS)\"" "CFLAGS=\"\$(CFLAGS) \$(NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE)\"" \
--replace "CPPFLAGS=\"\$(CPPFLAGS)\"" "CPPFLAGS=\"\$(CPPFLAGS) \$(NIX_CFLAGS)\"" \
--replace "LDFLAGS=\"\$(LDFLAGS)\"" "LDFLAGS=\"\$(LDFLAGS)\"" \
--replace "LDFLAGS = \$(CUDD_XCFLAGS)" "LDFLAGS = -lc -lstdc++" \
--replace "@./ silent" ":"
LPSOLVE_JAR=$(echo ${lp_solve_java}/lib/*.jar) #*/
for dir in automata dv hybrid jdd jltl2ba jltl2dstar mtbdd odd param parser pepa/compiler prism pta settings strat userinterface ; do
substituteInPlace ./src/$dir/Makefile \
substituteInPlace ./src/bin/prism.linux \
--replace "PRISM_DIR=/home/luser/prism" "PRISM_DIR=$out
PRISM_JAVA=\''${PRISM_JAVA-${jdk}/bin/java}" \
--replace "PRISM_LIB_PATH=" "PRISM_LIB_PATH=${lp_solve_java}/lib:"
substituteInPlace ./src/bin/xprism.linux \
--replace "PRISM_DIR=/home/luser/prism" "PRISM_DIR=$out
PRISM_JAVA=\''${PRISM_JAVA-${jdk}/bin/java}" \
--replace "PRISM_LIB_PATH=" "PRISM_LIB_PATH=${lp_solve_java}/lib:"
configurePhase = "true";
buildPhase = ''
cd ./prism
make clean JAVA_DIR="${jdk}"
make make_dirs CUDD_DIR="${cuddPrism}" JAVA_DIR="${jdk}" JNI_H_DIR="${jdk}/include/linux" JNI_MD_H_DIR="${jdk}/include/linux"
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/{bin,lib,include,classes,images,share/applications,share/icons/hicolor/{256x256,128x128,64x64,48x48,32x32,24x24,16x16}/apps}
cd ./prism
make bin_scripts CUDD_DIR="${cuddPrism}" JAVA_DIR="${jdk}" JNI_H_DIR="${jdk}/include/linux" JNI_MD_H_DIR="${jdk}/include/linux"
cp -r lib include bin classes images $out
'' +
# ''
# cp etc/scripts/hoa/* $out/bin #*/
# for i in $out/bin/hoa-* ; do
# wrapProgram $i --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ ltl2dstar ltl2ba ]}
# done
# '' +
cp etc/scripts/prism-auto $out/bin
for i in etc/icons/p*.png ; do
cp $i $out/share/icons/hicolor/''${SIZE}x''${SIZE}/apps/xprism.png
ln -s ${makeDesktopItem {
name = "xprism";
desktopName = "XPrism Model Checker";
genericName = "Graphical frontend to Prism Model Checker";
exec = "xprism";
icon = "xprism";
categories = "Application;Science;Development;";
}}/share/applications/xprism.desktop $out/share/applications/xprism.desktop
dontStrip = true;
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "Prism Probabilistic Model Checker";
license = licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = [ maintainers.spacefrogg ];
platforms = with platforms; linux;