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buildArgs@{ lib ? import ./lib.nix {}, nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>, pkgs ? import nixpkgs {}, root, cwd, filter ? [] }:
inherit (lib) searchPath whichdo d1 d2 getSrc;
resolve = path: let
builder = (whichdo path);
in if builder == "" then throw "No rule to build ${path}"
else runBuilder (d1 path builder) (d2 path builder) builder;
runBuilder = d1: d2: builder:
with pkgs.lib;
with builtins;
# CWD relative to source root
rcwd = dirOf (removePrefix (root + "/") builder);
# Funktionalise pkgs; our main entry point to resolve default*nix build
# scripts.
2021-02-17 14:42:43 +01:00
funcPkgs = {
__functor = self: arg: resolve arg;
src = getSrc root rcwd filter id;
inherit pkgs cwd rcwd d1 d2;
# Convenience function that calculates the source tree, links it to src
# and cd's to the location of the current builder.
S = getSrc root rcwd filter (src:
ln -s ${src} src
cd src/${rcwd}
_builder = let
imported = (tryEval (let
# Needs to be done as nix chokes on empty files rn.
content = readFile builder;
in assert content != "" && (! (hasPrefix "#!" content)); import builder));
in if imported.success
then imported.value
else {
2021-02-17 14:42:43 +01:00
src = getSrc (/. + root);
builder = ''
set -e
pout=$(mktemp -u -p $PWD)
cp -r --reflink=auto --no-preserve=mode "$src/" src
cd src/${rcwd}
${/. + builder} "$d1" "$d2" "$out" >$pout
if [ -e "$out" -a -s "$pout" ]; then
printf "Error: %s wrote to stdout and created \$3\n" "${baseNameOf builder}" >&2
exit 207
elif [ -s $pout ]; then
mv $pout $out
__builder = if isFunction _builder then _builder funcPkgs
else _builder;
args = { stdenv = pkgs.stdenvNoCC; } // (if isString __builder
then { builder = __builder; }
else __builder);
drv = (args.deriver or args.stdenv.mkDerivation) ({
name = pkgs.lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName d1;
buildCommand = args.builder;
passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
allowSubstitutes = false;
2021-02-17 09:45:12 +01:00
outputs = [ "out" ];
inherit d1 d2;
2021-02-17 09:45:12 +01:00
} // (removeAttrs args [ "builder" "system" "deriver" "stdenv" "outputs" ]));
in drv; # myself
in resolve